What is Pharmacy Team?

Pharmacy technicians play an important role, complementing clinical pharmacists, community pharmacists and other health care colleagues. The purpose of the role is to lead improvements to maximise safe, cost effective best practice in prescribing to improve the quality of patient care.

How Pharmacy Team can help you...

What can Pharmacy Technicians do?


  • Complete medicines reconciliations post hospital discharge investigating queries with hospital departments and community pharmacies. Action medication changes on patient’s repeat lists (for prescriber sign off) and carry out de-prescribing and medication switches where appropriate.
  • Carry out audits and manage high risk drug monitoring, requesting bloods and reviewing doses
  • Consultations with patients regarding confusion or concerns about their medication and provide support including medication reminder charts and liaising with their community pharmacy
  • Identify patients eligible for SMRs, review their record to address any overdue bloods or monitoring, compliance concerns or potential issues for discussion. They then book the appointments and send out invites
  • Support our care homes by completing medication changes as well as highlighting patient’s in need of medication reviews. Support care home staff with education surrounding medication safety and optimisation, policy review and stock control.
  • Respond to general tasks regarding supply issues, formulary questions, brand requests and compliance concerns
  • Set up and synchronise batch prescriptions / eRD
  • Complete the Primary Care Pharmacy Education Pathway (PCPEP) through CPPE
  • Work across all sites of PCN
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How Farnham PCN delivers Pharmacy Team...

The Farnham PCN Pharmacy Technicians work across each of the PCN’s member practices

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Healthier Lifestyle, Happier You!

An empowering and fun programme that explores the most effective methods to lose weight and keep it off. On the course you will address concerns that you have with your lifestyle, such as with your diet and physical activity levels.

We passionately believe in quality education and in long-term sustainable behaviour change and not short-term diet or lifestyle fads. We look at health holistically, offering choices with flexible options. This approach delivers multiple benefits well beyond weight loss including improving sleep quality, stress management, relationship with food and preventing future health conditions.

Features of the programme

  • Lifestyle & wellbeing education programme covering weight loss, managing stress, sleep quality, preventing future health conditions
  • Flexible dietary approaches: Low carbohydrate, Mediterranean, Intermittent fasting, Real food and snacking avoidance
  • 12 x Online Group Sessions
  • Includes a printed Weight & Wellbeing Programme Handbook
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