What is Health Inequalities?
How Health Inequalities can help you...
- Improved access to healthcare
- Enhanced health awareness and education
- Reducing health disparities
- Reducing isolation and loneliness
- Enhanced mental health and wellbeing
Addressing health inequalities benefits patients in many ways ranging from improved access to healthcare to reduced health disparities and better mental health wellbeing. This improves not only individual health outcomes but contribute to a healthier and more equitable society.
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How Farnham PCN delivers Health Inequalities...
We developed a questionnaire to look at wider determinants of health locally and sent this to residents of North and West Farnham in late 2021, receiving over 2000 responses.
Living well in North Farnham (ntropydata.co.uk)
These results have shaped the work we are delivering which is focused on mental health for children and adults, physical activity for all ages and abilities, improving diet and addressing loneliness. Surrey County Council working with The Health Creation Alliance, have identified the Sandy Hill area of Farnham as within the 20% most deprived areas of Surrey.
FHIG are working closely with Hale Community Centre and other partners to improve the experiences of Sandy Hill residents.
Health inequalities work is being delivered by working with communities. Access to Health and Wellbeing services and Social Prescribing is via professional referral.